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Going into the Deep
Autumn 2018
And when the man went out to the east with the line in his hand, he measured one thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the water came up to my ankles. Again he measured one thousand and brought me through the waters; the water came up to my knees. Again he measured one thousand and brought me through; the water came up to my waist. Again he measured one thousand, and it was a river that I could not cross; for the water was too deep, water in which one must swim, a river that could not be crossed.
Ezekiel 47:3-5
From our class valedictorian
Looking back upon the term, I see how that has so beautifully played out in each one of our lives. We all came with some pretty rough edges. But God even in the first week began to pour out His grace upon us like waves of living water smoothing out a rough stone. Though our time at BCW has come to an end, I believe many life-long relationships have been forged and strengthened. We have been joined together in one body, one Spirit, and one hope of our calling, Batch 7. So let us soar forward under one Lord, in one Faith, washed by one Baptism into one God and Father of us all.

Christopher James Hart, United States of America

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